Visible Human, Coronal Section/Anterior Thorax

You selected: mesentary

The mesentaries connect the intestines and internal organs of the abdomen. In addition, these structures contain the blood vessels and lymphatics that enter the intestines to receive nutrients absorbed by the gut. The mesentaries eries are made of fatty and connective tissue, and result from a complex folding of the lining of the abodomen (the peritoneum) during development.

Key points in this image
lung | left ventricle | right ventricle | diaphragm | stomach | liver | pectoralis major |
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Module Name: a_vmY1649
Module Title: Visible Human, Coronal Section/Anterior Thorax
Image Info: Computer generated from gross transverse sections.
Created by: Lynn Bry
Last modified: Feb 7th, 1997

Created with Annotation 1.0