Visible Human, Coronal Section/Anterior Thorax

You selected: rib

The rib bones form the protective cage surrounding the lungs and the heart. Note that the ribs do not lie in a plane parallel to the ground. This transverse section cuts through many ribs.

All 12 ribs articulate posteriorly with the 12 thoracic vertebrae of the spinal column. Anteriorly the 7 true ribs articulate with the sternum or breast bone via attachments referred to as costal cartilages. The cartilagenous connections allow some mobility in the rib cage, necessary for the lungs to exapand properly during inspriation. Beneath the 7 true ribs lie 5 false ribs. The first three false ribs articulate with the 7th true rib. They do not directly attach to the sternum. The lasttwo false ribs ribs - floating ribs do not have any anterior connections.

Key points in this image
lung | left ventricle | right ventricle | diaphragm | stomach | liver | pectoralis major |
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Module Name: a_vmY1649
Module Title: Visible Human, Coronal Section/Anterior Thorax
Image Info: Computer generated from gross transverse sections.
Created by: Lynn Bry
Last modified: Feb 7th, 1997

Created with Annotation 1.0