MadSci Network: Microbiology

Subject: I am trying to see which food will grow bacteria best, bread, raw meat, or

Posted by Melissa Youngern
Grade level: 7-9
School: Good Shepherd Lutheran School
City: Simi Valley State/Province: CA
Country: USA
Area of science: Microbiology

apple.  The have been sitting out for about a week and a half and all are 
really smelly.  The apple and bread have mold and the meat is brown.  
My mom and I have tried to look under the microscope to see if there is 
bacteria moving around but find nothing moving.  We are using the highest 
power we have which is 400x-600x.  

Should we be able to see the bacteria moving?  This is my science fair 
project which is due the middle of February and now I'm not sure exactly 
what to look for.  Thanks for your help.


Re: I am trying to see which food will grow bacteria best, bread, raw meat, or

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