MadSci Network: Physics

Subject: Question regarding relativity.

Date: Wed Feb 26 19:32:59 1997
Posted by Dariusz Basiaga
Grade level: 10-12
School: Classical High
City: Lynn State/Province: Mass
Country: U.S.A
Area of science: Physics
ID: 857007179.Ph

Okay, I know that as "matter" aproches the speed of light then it decreases in size and the time slows down. Like 9/10 of light the temporal and dimensional distortion would be 3.16. I also know that if you do enter the speed of light then hypotheticly time should stop. Then how come time does not stop for light. That is light travels at the speed limit but time is still present and if we want to travel at light speed then for us the time would stop. But if we do travel at light speed then we would also became light then what would be the temporal distortion? The time should not stop for us because we are light(does dimension of time is applied to light?) In my opinion it makes sense that temporal dimension is applied to light because it takes time for a photon to move from one given point of space to another. Thus, going back to my question then this would mean that if we go with the speed of light then time for us would pass almost identicaly as to one on Earth. That is light traveling at 299792458 kilometers per second still takes around 8.5 seconds to reach this planet. Thus, this would mean that the temporal distortion only takes place when matter is going sub-light and when it still contains some form of matter. Could you then please clarify the answear and I know that my question is confusing I am lost myself. Also could you tell me the maximum thrust that we can currently achieve I would appreciate the answear in Newtons. Thank for your "time." Just in case my E-mail is Thanks.

Re: Question regarding relativity.

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