MadSci Network: Botany

Subject: 1. Why do trees have rings? Why don't palm trees have them?

Date: Tue Mar 10 07:49:02 1998
Posted by Amyna Mamdani
Grade level: 10-12
School: ASE 2
City: Scarborough State/Province: Ontario
Country: CANADA
Area of science: Botany
ID: 889537742.Bt

I am a student at Ase 2 in Canada and I was just wondering you could 
kindly help me and answer the following questions, I would really 
appreciate it:
1. How do water lillies breath and exchange gases? 
2. What causes and how does the stoma open and close?

Thank you very much!!! :D

     											*Amyna Mamdani

Re: 1. Why do trees have rings? Why don't palm trees have them?

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