MadSci Network: Astronomy

Subject: Black Holes...

Date: Tue Nov 10 23:30:12 1998
Posted by Miguel Caņas
Grade level: 10-12
School: CRLS
City: Cambridge State/Province: MA
Country: USA
Area of science: Astronomy
ID: 910762212.As

When I picture a black hole I see... A large dark sphere with particles of all types of stuff being pull torwards it... The dark sphere being the event horizon, the point at which light can no longer escape the pull of the singularity... The singularity would be at the center of this big sphere and it would be pretty small, but it's dense, and it's growing gradually because of all the stuff that's getting pulled into it... Now the particles outside getting pulled in are stretched out the closer they get to the event horizon because gravity is stronger the closer you are to it... I read that depending on the rotation of the sun the black hole originated from, the black hole will have a similar rotation as well... The pictures I usually see of black holes are of disks of swirling gass and particles being pulled into the center of what I'm guessing is the horizon... What I'm confused about is, if the particles are coming from all directions, then how does the swirling disk form? Wouldn't the particles be falling into the horizon angled in the direction the hole is spinning? So it wouldn't be a disk, it would be more like a... Another sphere I guess... If you can imagine what I'm saying. Anyways... There has to be some reason for the disk shape swirl of particles and gas I see in drawings and paintings and other stuff like those... My question is, where'd they get that from? Why/how do the particles form the swirling disk shape?... Also... If you could make corrections and additions to my discription of a black hole I'd appreciate it... Thanks a lot!

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