MadSci Network: Engineering

Re: coanda effect Joseph Coanda aeronautics

Date: Sat Jan 9 12:57:58 1999
Posted By: Adrian Popa, Directors Office, Hughes Research Laboratories
Area of science: Engineering
ID: 915163428.Eg

I believe that you are asking about the Coanda effect whish is used 
extensivly in aeronautics design and which is named after the Romanian 
scientist Henri Marie Coanda. 

Henri Marie Coanda was the second son of Constantin M. Coanda who had five 
sons and two daughters. H. Coanda was born in Bucharest on June 7, 1886. 
As he later stated he has been attracted by the 'miracle of wind' since he 
was a boy.

Henri Coanda attended high-school in Bucharest and in Iasi. After this he 
joined the Bucharest Military School where he graduated as an artillery 
officer. Fond of technical problems, especially of flight technology, in 
1905 he built a 'missile-airplane' in Bucharest for the Army. Then he went 
up to Berlin to attend studies at Technische Hochschule in Charlottenburg, 
after which he followed with studies at the Science University in Liege,
part of the Electrical Institute in Montefiore. He registered at the 
Superior Aeronautical School in Paris where he graduated in 1909.

H. Coanda began his engineering practice in aerodynamics where he later 
became world reknowed. He was awarded distinctions around the 
world for many inventions many of which were based on what has been called 
the “Coanda effect”.

Among the medals and distinctions awarded during his lifetime we mention:
- In 1956, Henri was celebrated in New York for the realization of the
   first reactive airplane and flight. He was then called 'the past, 
present and the future of aviation'. 
- In 1965, at the International Automation Sympozium, New York, Henri 
received the 'Harry Diamond Laboratories' diploma. 
- the Diploma and Great Gold Medal 'Vielles Tiges'; 
- 'The Diploma for Scientific Research' from UNESCO; 
-'The Medal of French Aeronautics'; and 
- the order 'Pour Le Merite' and the Commander ring for all his activity; 

In 1970, Coanda returned to Romania and settled for the last years of his 
life in Bucharest. In 1971, he and Prof. Elie Carafoli reorganized the 
Aeronaurical Engineering discipline at Bucharest Polytechnic Institute, 
splitting the Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering
Department into two departments of study -- Mechanical Engineering and 
Aircraft Engineering. 

H. Coanda died on November 25, 1972.

Coanda’s work is discussed in an extensive biography at the following web 

The Coanda effect has been used in the design of aircraft since the mid 
1950s, the most recent use has been in the B2 Spirit stealth bomber in 
which it's use is discussed on the following web pages:

Thrust vectoring is the newest technology using the Conada effect and is 
being used in the new F22 Raptor fighter aircraft. By changing the 
direction of the jet engine's exhaust thrust the F22 can perform manuevers 
not possible by conventional fighter aircraft. If you are interested in a 
technical discussion on current thrust vectoring technology the following 
NASA web site links to the paper abstracted below.

David J. Wing, Static Investigation of Two Fluidic
Thrust-Vectoring Concepts on a Two-Dimensional Convergent-Divergent Nozzle 
NASA TM-4574, December 1994, pp. 203, 
Keywords: Thrust-vectoring nozzles; Fluidics; Fluidic thrust vectoring; 
Coanda effect; Shock vector control 

Abstract: A static investigation was conducted in the static test facility 
of the Langley 16-Foot Transonic Tunnel of two thrust-vectoring concepts 
which utilize fluidic mechanisms for deflecting the jet of a two-
dimensional convergent-divergent nozzle. One concept involved using the 
Coanda effect to turn a sheet of injected secondary air along a
curved sidewall flap and, through entrainment, draw the primary jet in the 
same direction to produce yaw thrust vectoring. The other concept involved 
deflecting the primary jet to produce pitch thrust vectoring by injecting 
secondary air through a transverse slot in the divergent flap, creating an 
oblique shock in the divergent channel. Utilizing the Coanda
effect to produce yaw thrust vectoring was largely unsuccessful. Small 
vector angles were produced at low primary nozzle pressure ratios, 
probably because the momentum of the primary jet was low. Significant 
pitch thrust vector angles were produced by injecting secondary flow 
through a slot in the divergent flap. Thrust vector angle decreased with
increasing nozzle pressure ratio but moderate levels were maintained at 
the highest nozzle pressure ratio tested. Thrust performance generally 
increased at low nozzle pressure ratios and decreased near the design 
pressure ratio with the addition of secondary flow.
Best regards, Your Mad Scientist
Adrian Popa

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