MadSci Network: Chemistry

Subject: What happens to the person in space in a space suit if it's punctured?

Date: Wed Feb 17 08:56:43 1999
Posted by Patricia Newell
Grade level: 10-12 School: The Peddie School
City: Hightstown State/Province: NJ Country: USA
Area of science: Chemistry
ID: 919263403.Ch

This came up in my chemistry class, so I chose chem as the 
subject, but I'm not really sure where this belongs. We're doing 
gases and pressure right now, and somehow this question came up. 
Our teacher says you'd explode, but it seems to me that it would 
take a little longer and you wouldn't really explode into a whole 
bunch of little pieces. So if you know anything about this, could 
you explain what would happen? Thanks :)

Re: What happens to the person in space in a space suit if it's punctured?

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