MadSci Network: Virology

Re: How did 'Chicken Pox' get its name?

Date: Thu Mar 25 19:50:09 1999
Posted By: David Beck, MadSci Admin
Area of science: Virology
ID: 918007347.Vi

There is no "correct" answer to this question. The bottom line is that it was 
called chicken pox LONG LONG ago. So I can tell you why people think it became 
known as chicken pox.

Why is it called pox?
This people do agree on. Chicken pox cause a pock to form on the skin.
(Note there are many things that can cause a pock to form on the skin.)

Why is it called chicken pox?
Although people agree on why it was called pox, know one is sure why it was 
called chicken pox. There is two different explanations either of which could be 
true, or possiblely they could both be wrong.
1. Chicken could be derived from the French word 'ciche' which means chickpea, a 
reference to the size of the pock seen in chicken pox.
2. Chicken may be a corrupted form of the Old English word 'gican', which means 

David Beck
MadSci Admin

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