MadSci Network: Zoology

Subject: What do bank swallows do with the sand when they build their nest?

Date: Tue May 4 21:45:43 1999
Posted by Marc Thomas
Grade level: 7-9 School: Conneaut Lake
City: Atlantic State/Province: Pa Country: US
Area of science: Zoology
ID: 925872343.Zo

I'm interested in knowing what the bank swallows do with the sand 
while building their nests.  We haven't noticed any sand/dirt 
under the nests.  Do they eat it and digest it later, or do they 
store it in their beaks and spit it out away from their nests?  I 
have noticed that they go into the nest then fly out and in a 
circle away from the nest before returning to the nest, then 
start the cycle again.  Can you help solve the mystery?

Re: What do bank swallows do with the sand when they build their nest?

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