MadSci Network: Engineering

Subject: How much energy does a fan use when turned to different speeds?

Date: Mon Sep 27 03:37:37 1999
Posted by Daniel
Grade level: 10-12 School: SMK Seafield
City: Petaling Jaya State/Province: Selangor Country: Malaysia
Area of science: Engineering
ID: 938417857.Eg

If a fan is switched on at regulator speed 1, does it use as much energy 
as when it is turned on at regulator speed 5? What actually causes a fan 
(or for that matter, other electrical appliances with regulators)to move 
faster - is it the amount of current flowing through? An air-conditioner 
has a stated power wattage, but it can be set at different controls. Does 
it still use the same energy and power for the different controls?

Re: How much energy does a fan use when turned to different speeds?

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