MadSci Network: Physics

Subject: Is the infinity theorum correct when related to the decimal system?

Date: Sun Nov 14 03:02:28 1999
Posted by Robin Park
Grade level: 10-12 School: Smithfield State High School
City: Cairns State/Province: Queensland Country: Australia
Area of science: Physics
ID: 942566548.Ph

The infinity rule states that a theorum (infinity) is a never ending 

eg. if you state 1/3 as a decimal then the number is on the decimal 
scale .33333 recurring. If you times this number by three you get 
.9999999. So does this mean that 3 * 1/3 = 3/3 which shown by this 
is .999999? not 1?

eg. For time, for one second to change into 2 seconds, what has to occur? 
1.1 must come before 2. But for 1.1 to occur, for that .1 you must 
have .11 and for that .11 you must have .111 and so on... by the 
definition of this then time should never move forward if infinity has no 
end, it will just keep the .11111's occuring to infinity.

eg. If a man shoots a bullet that travels at 100m/s and a man 100m away to 
start with runs away from that bullet at a speed of 10m/s then by the 
state of the infinity rule the bullet should never hit him. After 1 second 
the bullet is in the position wheve the man was a second again but the man 
is ahead 10m in that 1 second as well. Then .1 seconds later the bullet is 
in the mans previous position and the man is ahead 1m... this will 
continue into infinity with the bullet never hitting him. But it does?

Robin Park 

Re: Is the infinity theorum correct when related to the decimal system?

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