MadSci Network: Earth Sciences

Subject: The sun's surface and our magnetic field are dependent to each other how?

Date: Sat Nov 27 06:56:17 1999
Posted by Jane Ba.Arham
Grade level: undergrad School: John Tyler Community College
City: Chester State/Province: Va. Country: USA
Area of science: Earth Sciences
ID: 943707377.Es

I have heard our magnetic field changes every so many years.. It is at the 
time for it to change, or rather the reverse of polarity. How does the 
Sun's surface activity when increased control or alter our magnetic 
field on earth and if so, how will this change effect us?  To what degree?
I can't find the answer to my question. PLEASE Set me straight on this
Very confused

Re: The sun's surface and our magnetic field are dependent to each other how?

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