MadSci Network: Chemistry

Subject: What are the properties of the caffeine molecule?

Date: Sun Feb 20 11:10:41 2000
Posted by Wendy Ho
Grade level: 10-12 School: Brokenhurst College
City: Brockenhurst State/Province: Hmpshire Country: England
Area of science: Chemistry
ID: 951066641.Ch

At the moment i am doing an investigation on the extraction of caffeine 
from tea for my A Levels. I have the method which is as follows: First 
water is used to extract the caffeine and other substances from the tea 
then dichloromethane is used to extract the caffeine only in the process 
of solvent extraction. What i don`t quite understand is the chemistry 
behind it. I think its something to do with hydrogen bonding but why would 
the caffeine molecule prefer to bond with dichloromethane rather than with 
water? And what other properties would have an effect in the experiment? 
As you can see, i`m pretty muddled, and would be eternally grateful for 
any insight. Thank you very much.

Re: What are the properties of the caffeine molecule?

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