MadSci Network: Astronomy

Subject: Would time and space exist if the universe were entirely energy or matter?

Date: Fri Jan 28 16:36:58 2000
Posted by Adam Kelm
Grade level: 10-12 School: No school entered.
City: Carmel State/Province: IN Country: USA
Area of science: Astronomy
ID: 949099018.As

If one considers that time is simply motion of matter through space, would 
time or space exist if the universe consisted completely of matter, with 
no free energy?  It seems that time could not exist because time requires 
motion through space, and motion is not possible without energy; 
therefore, time would seem impossible.

What would be the case if the universe were entirely free energy, with no 
matter?  Would this mean that time and space could not exist, because 
there could not be space without matter, and there cannot be time without 
movement of matter through space?  Or could time exist because energy 
moves?  But then there would be nothing to move through, since space would 
not exist?  Do time and space require each other's existence?

Re: Would time and space exist if the universe were entirely energy or matter?

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