MadSci Network: Cell Biology

Subject: Does mitosis in plants and animals occur at a specific time?

Date: Thu Mar 9 17:54:00 2000
Posted by Jeff Wong, Dominie Lee, Mika Visante, and Kathleen Wong
Grade level: 10-12 School: John F. Kennedy High School
City: Sacramento State/Province: California Country: usa
Area of science: Cell Biology
ID: 952646040.Cb

Does mitosis in plants and animals occur in a specific time or does it just keep 
replicating non stop? If mitosis occurs in a specific time, when does it happen 
and how long does it take for the cell divison to end?
We're the students from John F. Kennedy High school and while studying mitosis 
the four of us came up with these questions about it. Our question is Does 
mitosis in plants and animals occur in a specific time or does it just keep 
replicating? We already learned that mitosis has five stages they're interpahse, 
prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. We know that only animal cells have 
centrosomes and a furrow forming in the telophase stage. We also know that in 
plant cells, cell plates form across the middle of the cell.
 We thank you for your time and would really appreciate it if you would repond to 
our question. We hope to hear from you soon.
                     Dominie Lee, Jeff Wong, Mika Visante,
                      and Kathleen Wong

Re: Does mitosis in plants and animals occur at a specific time?

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