MadSci Network: Chemistry

Subject: Is there a solution that you can make which turns colours multiple times?

Date: Mon Feb 28 15:22:37 2000
Posted by No name entered.
Grade level: teacher/prof School: University of Toronto
City: No city entered. State/Province: Ontario Country: Canada
Area of science: Chemistry
ID: 951772957.Ch

A fellow collegue told me that he saw a presentation where a solution that 
was made from water and other chemicals turned colours various times. The 
soltuion started normal but if you twirled it one way it changed colour. 
Once it stopped it would go back to the original colour, but if you 
twirled it the opposite way now it would change to a totally different 
colour. My real question is, that is this possible? And if so, what is it 
made up of and why does it do this? I know your busy , but I'd apprciate 
an answer as soon as possible to demonstrate to my High Schoolclass for 
our unit. Thanks.

Re: Is there a solution that you can make which turns colours multiple times?

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