MadSci Network: Earth Sciences

Subject: Can you give me some info on rocks or minerals and dissolving of them?

Date: Wed Mar 29 19:32:15 2000
Posted by Lauren Macdonald
Grade level: 7-9 School: Solvay High School
City: Solvay State/Province: NY Country: United States
Area of science: Earth Sciences
ID: 954379935.Es

I am doing long term project for earth science and am doing an experiment 
on how much rock dissolves in spring water and tonic water.  We need for 
part of the long term project some info from the internet and an 
experiment.  I was wondering if you could give me any information that you 
know of that has rocks or minerals and dissolving them.  Maybe like in 
what kind of circumstances do rocks or minerals dissolve the best (like 
maybe the rock or mineral that is the softest may dissolve the fastest)- 
just an example.  Well if you know anything like that like the 
circumstances in which rocks or minerals dissolve the best or an example 
where you found out yourself that something dissolved and that made it 
react in a certain way.  I dont know.  Maybe if you could come up with 
some kind of general knowledge and tell me or a some kind of website.  
Thanks a lot.                               Lauren Macdonald

Re: Can you give me some info on rocks or minerals and dissolving of them?

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