MadSci Network: Astronomy

Subject: How does the earths constant weight change affect its orbit?

Date: Sat Apr 8 07:03:43 2000
Posted by Charlie Valentine
Grade level: nonaligned School: No school entered.
City: Stowe State/Province: PA Country: USA
Area of science: Astronomy
ID: 955195423.As

Is the earth getting heavier or lighter? Was the weight of the earth the 
same millions of years ago? We change the weight of the earth in many 
ways. As we burn fossil fuels one would think it gets lighter. As the 
earths population increases one would think it gets heavier. As we cut down 
trees for homes and lose millions of acres of rain forest it must get 
lighter. Do you think everything balances out or are these weight changes 
minimal and have no affect. As we change the weight of the earth, does this 
have any affect on its position, rotation, orbit or tilt in the solar 

Re: How does the earths constant weight change affect its orbit?

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