MadSci Network: Physics

Subject: How can we avoid the effect of pressure difference of packaged foods?

Date: Tue May 30 15:25:37 2000
Posted by Kenneth Go
Grade level: School: No school entered.
City: No city entered. State/Province: No state entered. Country: No country entered.
Area of science: Physics
ID: 959714737.Ph

This is in reference to


The air is filled into pouches brought into by the free falling food which eventually sealed by two sealing bars. The air is the same atmospheric air in the packaging room. There were no leaks and the integrity was never a doubt. But air loss is apparent when the said pouches is travelled to low lands. On the other hand, foods that are packed in low land and transported to highland, the air inside the pouches seems to expand and the fully sealed pouch will eventually broke. The altitude of the area is 1886 ft . above the low lands. The temperature all throughout the year is 18-20 deg C compare to 35 deg C in summer and -5 deg C during winter on low lands.

Thanks in advance for the attending to my problems.


Re: How can we avoid the effect of pressure difference of packaged foods?foods?
This is in reference to

        The air is filled into pouches brought into by the free falling food
which eventually sealed by two sealing bars. The air is the same atmospheric
in the packaging room. There were no leaks and the integrity was never a 
But air loss is apparent when the said pouches is travelled to low lands. On
other hand,  foods that are packed in low land and transported to highland, 
air inside the pouches seems to expand and the fully sealed pouch will
eventually broke. Thanks in advance for the attending to my problems.

Kenneth Go

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Re: How can we avoid the effect of pressure difference of packaged foods?

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