MadSci Network: Physics

Subject: Why isn't mass considered a dimension?

Date: Tue Aug 22 14:36:31 2000
Posted by Gavin Smith
Grade level: undergrad School: No school entered.
City: Austin State/Province: TX Country: USA
Area of science: Physics
ID: 966969391.Ph

What is the scientific definition of a dimension and what is it that makes 
length, width, height, and time dimensions, but not mass?  My perception 
of a dimension is that it is a fundamental property by which an object or 
event in our universe can be measured.  By fundamental, I mean that it 
cannot be expressed as the result of other dimensions (i.e. velocity is 
not a dimension because it can be expressed as distance (length, width, 
height) divided by time.  If current string theory calls for 10 
dimensions, is it not possible that some of these dimensions are already 
staring us in the face?  Basically, I'm asking if a dimension is intended 
to describe an object's location in the universe (like the 4 spacetime 
dimensions we're familiar with) or describe the object itself in the 
universe (which could include other fundamental properties as dimensions, 
such as mass).

I read through the archives prior to sending this and the questions I am
asking are not specifically addressed.  I would greatly appreciate it if you
would post this for me.


Gavin Smith             


Re: Why isn't mass considered a dimension?
What is the scientific definition of a dimension and what is it that makes 
length, width, height, and time dimensions, but not mass?  My perception 
of a dimension is that it is a fundamental property by which an object or 
event in our universe can be measured.  By fundamental, I mean that it 
cannot be expressed as the result of other dimensions (i.e. velocity is 
not a dimension because it can be expressed as distance (length, width, 
height) divided by time.  If current string theory calls for 10 
dimensions, is it not possible that some of these dimensions are already 
staring us in the face?  Basically, I'm asking if a dimension is intended 
to describe an object's location in the universe (like the 4 spacetime 
dimensions we're familiar with) or describe the object itself in the 
universe (which could include other fundamental properties as dimensions, 
such as mass).

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