MadSci Network: Physics

Subject: color vs heat absorption--effect of different colors on solar energy

Date: Fri Oct 27 11:20:33 2000
Posted by Alexandra Owens
Grade level: 7-9 School: No school entered.
City: No city entered. State/Province: No state entered. Country: No country entered.
Area of science: Physics
ID: 972660033.Ph

I am a middle school student and did an experiment on the effect of
different colors on solar energy.  My hypothesis was that if you know the
Light Reflectance Values of specific paint colors, you can predict how they
will relate to each other in regard to the temperature they will reach in
sun light...the higher the LRV, the cooler the temperature because more
light is being reflected off the object.  I had found many experiments
comparing black and white and claiming the difference in their temperatures
was due to white reflecting more light than black, so I thought I could
expand that to colors in between the two as well.  I was wrong and am trying
to find out why.  Can you help?  Thanks, Alexandra Owens
Hi...I know a question on "color vs. heat absorption" is answered on your
site because it was where I got the idea for my hypothesis.  But, it only
deals with the colors: black and white and states the differences in
temperatures when exposed to sunlight are due to the differences in LRVs
(light reflectance values).  I thought it explained the reason for the
differences very clearly.  That is why I conducted an experiment on
different colors - red, blue, orange, green and yellow- using a paint
company that provided the specific LRV for each color sold and expected the
same result posted on MadSci Network...the lower the LRV, the
hotter the color should become.  My result was there was no correlation
between LRV and color.  The order I got in increasing temperatures was blue
(LRV 17), red (LRV 11), green (LRV 17), orange (LRV 28) and yellow (LRV 29).
I was very careful to insure color was my only variable and repeated the
test numerous times.  So....please help me to understand why your LRV
explanation does not apply to other colors.  Thank you for your time.
Alexandra Owens


Re:  color vs heat absorption--effect of different colors on solar energy
I am a middle school student and did an experiment on the effect of
different colors on solar energy.  My hypothesis was that if you know the
Light Reflectance Values of specific paint colors, you can predict how they
will relate to each other in regard to the temperature they will reach in
sun light...the higher the LRV, the cooler the temperature because more
light is being reflected off the object.  I had found many experiments
comparing black and white and claiming the difference in their temperatures
was due to white reflecting more light than black, so I thought I could
expand that to colors in between the two as well.  I was wrong and am trying
to find out why.  Can you help?  Thanks, Alexandra Owens

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Re: color vs heat absorption--effect of different colors on solar energy

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