MadSci Network: Microbiology

Subject: How does a microorganism being gram + or - effect spectrometery results?

Date: Tue Oct 17 19:53:16 2000
Posted by KtJ
Grade level: undergrad School: Michigan Tech University
City: Houghton State/Province: MI Country: USA
Area of science: Microbiology
ID: 971826796.Mi

We are studying a variety of pathogen's growth rates based on spectrometery
results and I was wondering if the fact that they were both gram- and +
would affect the results. As well as being fermentative would affect it.

Our instructer said that the organisms being gram - or + OR that some are
fermentative or non-fermentative effects our growth rate results.  The
bacteria we are working with are Steptococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus
epidermis, Proteus mirabilis, and Alcaligenes faecalis.  I have founf that
the resuts are very close in Strep and Staph which I atribute to the
closeness in there metabolic pathway but with the question our instructor
posed I am at a loss as to the other two.  I can only assume that there is
some correlation between her question and the results.


Re: How does a microorganism being gram + or - effect spectrometery results?
We are studying a variety of pathogen's growth rates based on spectrometery
results and I was wondering if the fact that they were both gram- and +
would affect the results. As well as being fermentative would affect it.

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Hi Ktj - Prookaryotes (bacteria) are classified either as Gram+ or Gram-, 
depending on the results of a Gram stain. As you're probably aware, the 
results of the stain relate to the structure of the cell wall, and presence 
of a periplasmic space (in Gram negatives). I'm thus not certain what you 
mean by 

Re: How does a microorganism being gram + or - effect spectrometery results?

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