MadSci Network: Physics

Subject: Does the rotation of the earth and it's orbit around the sun affect gravity

Date: Thu Nov 30 13:45:16 2000
Posted by Thomas
Grade level: nonaligned School: NONE
City: Woonsocket State/Province: RI Country: USA
Area of science: Physics
ID: 975609916.Ph

Me and someone else at my work are having an argument about this and need 
to go to the experts.  He says that if the earth wasn't spinning and 
wasn't orbiting through space around the sun at high speeds, the mass of 
the earth would be less and therefore the gravity.  Basically he stated 
that the majority of what keeps us on the earth is gravity, but that the 
gravity is much greater than it would be if we weren't moving.  Also as 
part of his argument he stated that an object moving faster has more 
mass.  I thought that an object always has the same mass, it's forces that 
change.  If there is any insight you could provide it would be extremely 

Re: Does the rotation of the earth and it's orbit around the sun affect gravity

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