MadSci Network: Cell Biology

Subject: How do organelles move inside the cell and where does the energy come from?

Date: Wed Jan 24 20:36:58 2001
Posted by Nathan
Grade level: teacher/prof School: DeLand High School
City: Deland State/Province: Florida Country: USA
Area of science: Cell Biology
ID: 980386618.Cb

Since Organelles dont have their own mitochondria, etc-how do they move 
inside the cell? For example--how does the protein move through the 
endoplasmic reticulum? what energy source or how does the movement take 
place when the protein is packaged by the Golgi and then vessicles pinch 
off and take the package to other parts of the cell? Other movements in 
the body have a definite driving force--preistalsis for food in the 
intestine, heart contractions for blood flow--But what drives the movement 
of the organelles? Is it a chemical attraction?  Hope my question is clear 
enough--Thanks for your help--a teacher in need-Nathan Manning.

Re: How do organelles move inside the cell and where does the energy come from?

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