MadSci Network: Chemistry

Subject: Why do you use eggs to in cooking, and why do you need milk?

Date: Mon Jan 8 17:26:16 2001
Posted by Carren
Grade level: 10-12 School: Lamar
City: Houston State/Province: TX Country: USA
Area of science: Chemistry
ID: 978992776.Ch

I like to do a lot of cooking and I was wondering if there was any real 
reason to use milk and eggs. I would be interested in know what, if any, 
pourpose they serve in cake or bread. Thankyou for your help.


Re: Why do you use eggs to in cooking, and why do you need milk? 

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Hi Carren - Turns out, it would help if you could let us know what you're 
cooking with eggs & milk - it'll be easier to provide a specific reply.

	Lynn Bry, Admin MadSci Network

I like to do a lot of cooking and I was wondering if there was any real 
reason to use milk and eggs. I would be interested in know what, if any, 
pourpose they serve in cake or bread. Thankyou for your help.

MadSci Network

Re: Why do you use eggs to in cooking, and why do you need milk?

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