MadSci Network: Physics

Subject: Is there a name for this hydraulic effect, and does it have applications?

Date: Sat May 5 20:18:26 2001
Posted by Brian
Grade level: grad (non-science) School: No school entered.
City: Williamson State/Province: N.Y. Country: USA
Area of science: Physics
ID: 989108306.Ph

     My daughter can snap her middle finger forward into water in a way that 
makes a funny gurgling sound, but no splash.  If she doesn't hold her hand just 
right, the water splashes in all directions. It amazes me that a snap with 
enough energy to send water flying like that can be absorbed with no splash.
     I first saw her do this in a swimming pool.  Her arm was horizontal, just 
above the surface of the water.  Her wrist was bending slightly downward.  She 
held her middle finger against her thumb, ready to snap down into the water.  
the tip of her middle finger was parallel to the surface of the water and just 
above it. She could then repeatedly snap her finger down into the water in a 
way that made a gurgling sound, but no splash!  Sometimes a drop or two of 
water will travel forward a few inches, that's all.
     There is a skill to this.  I tried it about 20 times before I could do the 
same thing, but not as consistently as her.
     Is there a name for this hydraulic effect, and does it have applications 
for high-speed objects entering or moving through water?

Re: Is there a name for this hydraulic effect, and does it have applications?

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