MadSci Network: Evolution

Subject: How or why did the human eye evolve?

Date: Sun May 27 13:22:07 2001
Posted by JAB
Grade level: 7-9 School: No school entered.
City: No city entered. State/Province: No state entered. Country: USA
Area of science: Evolution
ID: 990984127.Ev

    I am a student in High School and I am struggling with the idea of why
the human eye evolved.  I know that this may not be your exact field of study, 
but I would greatly  appreciate it if you could give me some insight on how the 
human eye evolved.  I learned that an organisms evolve becuase of some pressure 
by the environment, could you please explain to me what pressure from the
environment would cause this evolution? What did the eye look like in other 
animals before humans and why did it get to the shape and function it has now? 
If you cannot answer this, could you
please direct me to someone who can if possible?  Thank you so much for your

Re: How or why did the human eye evolve?

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