MadSci Network: Chemistry

Subject: What can I do to improve my college basic chemistry skills?

Date: Tue Jul 31 23:06:33 2001
Posted by Stephanie
Grade level: undergrad School: College of the Canyons
City: Newhall State/Province: California Country: USA
Area of science: Chemistry
ID: 996635193.Ch

I'm 16 years old, and I've never had any sort of formal high school chemistry. 
Now I've enrolled in my second semester of college, and I've decided to take 
it. I've always loved chemistry, but when I got the book from the book store 
today it really really scared me. The class is a 100, and it's listed as a 
basic intro to chem, without any prior skills needed. But the problems are 
*hard* hard...requiring math skills that I just don't have. The class starts 
August 30th 2001, what can I do to better prepare myself for this? I understand 
numbers are an important part of chemistry, but this is way over my head.

Re: What can I do to improve my college basic chemistry skills?

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