MadSci Network: Physics

Subject: Relation among specific heat, thermal conductivity, and time?

Date: Mon Jul 30 04:24:49 2001
Posted by George
Grade level: undergrad School: amateur
City: Las Vegas State/Province: Nevada Country: USA
Area of science: Physics
ID: 996481489.Ph

Please forgive me, because I have never had a college physics course.

(1)  If granite has a specific heat of .19 (similar to glass), does that mean 
that granite heats up five times faster than water under all conditions, 
conditions being equal, and also loses that heat five times faster than water?

The .19 specific heat for granite is fine for comparing one gram/one calorie, 
but it does not seem useful or even believable in terms of a granite slab or 
mountain, say, six feet thick or greater!  What temp does the granite center 
reach and when, by comparison with the same gram weight of water?

Water is also transparent and granite is not.  Does it make any difference?

(2)  I am looking for materials that could be used in a wall that have a 
specific heat approaching that of water, say .80 or greater.  So far, I am to 
understand, there is no such material on this planet, right?

(3)  According to a table I have found in a used textbook, paper has a thermal 
conductivity of .0003, which is nearly one-fifth that of water (.0014), and 
lower than wood.  But I cannot find any specific heat number for a volume of 

(4)  Would anyone today hire another middle-aged Michael Faraday such as myself 
who has no physics degree whatsoever?  I made the terrible and tragic mistake 
of majoring in psychology, which has proved to be absolutely useless in today's 
America; consequently I now work for minimum wage at a job completely unrelated 
to science.

Re: Relation among specific heat, thermal conductivity, and time?

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