MadSci Network: Astronomy

Subject: Why will we _always_ be seeing the light (CBR) from the Big Bang?

Date: Mon Oct 29 06:21:00 2001
Posted by Andrew Tipson
Grade level: grad (non-science) School: Wagner School, NYU
City: NYC State/Province: NY Country: US
Area of science: Astronomy
ID: 1004354460.As

I still really don't understand how we can always have seen, and always WILL 
see the "light" from the Big Bang.  As I understand it, looking farther and 
farther "out" is like looking back in time.  But since the Big Bang is a sort 
of boundary in how far back we can see, how come the light from it hasn't all 
passed by us completely yet, or won't ever someday?  Wouldn't that imply an 
infinite number of photons coming past us?  And I mean if a person projects a 
finite movie onto a screen moving away from him at just under the speed of 
light, the movie (as seen by someone stationary inertially to the screen) on 
the screen still has to end SOMETIME doesn't it? 

Re: Why will we _always_ be seeing the light (CBR) from the Big Bang?

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