MadSci Network: Astronomy

Subject: Why don't stars near the horizon appear red like the setting sun does?

Date: Sat Jan 19 16:45:29 2002
Posted by Dory
Grade level: teacher/prof School: Freedom Area Middle School
City: Freedom State/Province: WI Country: USA
Area of science: Astronomy
ID: 1011476729.As

After teaching my class about the Tyndall Effect (you seem to refer to it as 
Rayleigh's) and how the scattering of light causes the sky to look blue and 
sunsets to appear red, I was stumped with a new question.  Someone asked me why 
stars closer to the horizon, then, don't also look more reddish.  The ligh from 
these stars must also be travelling further through the atmosphere.  Why 
whouldn't this light also be scattered enough to cause the reddish colors to 
become prevalent?

Thank you for your time!!!

Re: Why don't stars near the horizon appear red like the setting sun does?

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