MadSci Network: Astronomy

Subject: What are the real details of the big bang theory?

Date: Wed Jan 23 02:53:26 2002
Posted by No name entered.
Grade level: 10-12 School: No school entered.
City: No city entered. State/Province: No state entered. Country: No country entered.
Area of science: Astronomy
ID: 1011772406.As

Correct me where Im wrong in my general explanation of how it all started 
according to the most widely accepted details in the scientific community.
A singularity of a finite amount of matter and space taking up zero size was at 
an infinite density and temperature.As soon as some amount of space came into 
existence it was no longer infinite in density and temp. At some point the 
whole soup was a googolplex degrees centigrade and was expanding at least ten 
septillion times as fast as light to resist gravity unless there was some of 
that newly discovered antigravity involved. According to my calculations the 
temperature of the soup could drop more than a trillion degrees per picosecond 
continuously for more that 20 billion years and not reach the 3K average temp.
Are scientists measuring temp. in a different way like energy density because 
particles can only move so fast. There should be a maximum temperature for 
matter as we know it. Also how can scientists accept that matter can travel 
faster than light as long as it's the space thats moving it. I don't think 
there is even a hint of evidence that matter can shrink to zero size so why do 
physicists believe it can. Or are they just being general and mean the 
singularity was much smaller than the Planck length. To me there is a big 
difference. Sounds to me that this theory is about as good as the God theory.

Re: What are the real details of the big bang theory?

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