MadSci Network: Neuroscience

Subject: Why does it take 20 min. for your stomach to signal your brain you're full?

Date: Sun Feb 3 21:50:04 2002
Posted by Alexis Corelis
Grade level: nonaligned School: No school entered.
City: Chandler State/Province: Arizona Country: USA
Area of science: Neuroscience
ID: 1012791004.Ns

Books and articles on weight loss repeatedly state "Research has shown that it 
takes 20 minutes for your stomach to send a message to your brain that it is 
full."  Why does it take so long?  And if that's true, it would seem that all 
of us would overeat to at least some degree. 

Re: Why does it take 20 min. for your stomach to signal your brain you're full?

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