MadSci Network: Astronomy

Subject: What happens if the rate of expansion of the universe becomes infinite?

Date: Fri Jan 3 02:49:20 2003
Posted by Howard
Grade level: nonaligned School: Clemson University
City: Clemson State/Province: SC Country: USA
Area of science: Astronomy
ID: 1041580160.As

What happens if the rate of expansion of the universe becomes infinite - or 
nearly so?  If the expansion rate is actually produced by "dark energy" - an 
anti-gravitational force arising from vacuum energy, then as more and more 
empty space is created, the expansive force should become greater and greater. 
I'd think that the universe would have to become infinitely large for the force 
to become infinitely great, but what if it just becomes really, really large?

Re: What happens if the rate of expansion of the universe becomes infinite?

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