MadSci Network: Cell Biology

Re: amoeboid motion and the change from sol form to gel form:

Date: Sun Oct 19 15:23:47 2003
Posted By: Mike Klymkowsky, Professor
Area of science: Cell Biology
ID: 1063413214.Cb

Amoeboid movement and cytoskeletal polymerization


The movements of amoeba are based on the actin cytoskeleton (background here).

Actin filaments are composed of the protein actin and a number of accessory proteins.

Actin filaments are dynamic; they can be growing (polymerizing) or shrinking (depolymerizing) within different regions of the same cell.

Whether the actin filaments in a particular region of a cell are growing or shrinking depends on the activity of various actin-binding proteins.

Some actin-binding proteins act to cross-link actin filaments together into parallel bundles or loose networks.

Networks of filaments form a gel, which can be quite stiff.

<- roll over

Regions of the cell that contain short filaments and actin monomers form a sol.

Generally, an actin gel underlies (and is attached to) the plasma membrane, this is the cell cortex.

In free living amoeba, movement of the cell can occur without the cell being attached to a solid surface.

One way that this can be done is to contract a specific region of the cell.

This contraction involves the actin-associated protein myosin -- two-headed myosin molecules use energy to walk along oppositely oriented actin filaments, pulling the filaments (and whatever they are attached to closer together).

As this region of the cell contracts, the contents of the cell are squeezed.

If the actin cortex were uniform, little would happen -- the cell would just get rigid. However, what does happen is that in local regions, the cortical actin gel dissolves, creating a 'weak spot'.

Another set of actin binding proteins is involved in dissolving actin filament networks. These proteins bind to and sever actin filaments.

The cytoplasmic contents of the cell are extruded through this cortical weak spot and a cellular process moves forward.


If a rigid cortex reforms, movement will stop until another cortical breech appears in another part of the cell.

By regulating when and where the cortical actin network is partially dissolved, the cell can produce complex and directed movements, such as phagocytosis.

Regulating of actin-binding proteins (and so actin filament organization) depends on various factors - including local changes in intracellular Ca2+ concentration.


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