MadSci Network: Physics

Subject: How big is a photon and how does that compare to it's wavelength?

Date: Tue Jan 20 19:42:22 2004
Posted by Nathan
Grade level: 10-12 School: Winston Churchill High School
City: Lethbridge State/Province: Alberta Country: Canada
Area of science: Physics
ID: 1074649342.Ph

If light behaves as both waves and particles (photons), then how is a 
photons size related to its wavelength? Is a photon shaped as a sphere, or a 3D 
ellips? What about matter? It behaves as waves 
and paricles aswell, but it's size never changes, does it? Does light have to 
behave like a wave or a particle to interact with an electron and change it's 
energy level? Is the wavelength or size of the photon related to the circle 
that an orbiting electron creats? How do particles (electrons and/or photons) 
act as a wave (does it phaze in and out, does it evenly space out according to 
it's size, or something differant altogether)?

I hope I didn't ask to manny questions, but they all seem related. I love this 
site, and always brows whenever I can to learn more.


Re: How big is a photon and how does that compare to it's wavelength?

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