MadSci Network: Astronomy

Subject: How does atmosphere and air pressure on Mars, how are dust storms effected?

Date: Sat May 29 14:03:36 2004
Posted by Marilyn
Grade level: 10-12 School: Pasadena High School
City: No city entered. State/Province: TX Country: No country entered.
Area of science: Astronomy
ID: 1085857416.As

I'm a participant in the High School Aerospace Scholars Program and our current 
unit requires the student to ask a scientist a Mars-related question, seeing as 
how we are studying Mars at the moment. The unit described how Mars has many 
dust storms and how Mars has its own air pressure and atmosphere. I'm 
interested in knowing how the dust storms present on Mars are effected by the 
unique air pressure and atmosphere on the planet. We know how dust storms 
function on Earth, but I would really be interested in learning just how the 
atmosphere and air pressure effect this natural phenomenon. Thank you for you 

Re: How does atmosphere and air pressure on Mars, how are dust storms effected?

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