MadSci Network: Astronomy

Subject: Could SETI detect technology noise ie tv signals etc

Date: Sat Sep 18 01:09:43 2004
Posted by dave
Grade level: nonaligned School: No school entered.
City: savage State/Province: mn Country: usa
Area of science: Astronomy
ID: 1095487783.As

Assuming that other technically advance cultures make similar technology 
decisions, they probably are not transmitting radio waves for direct 
communications with other civilizations, just like we don’t.  With what we 
currently know of the operating parameters of the universe, communication 
across the vast reaches of the galaxy is not practical with radio waves. 

However, we do create a lot of radio ‘noise’.  We are transmitting all kinds of 
signals out into space.  Assuming other technically advance cultures are also 
transmitting technology “noise” into space, could SETI detect it?

How close would a civilization have to be for SETI to pick up its “TV signals”? 

If not TV signals, what kind of signals could be picked up by SETI that are due 
to technology noise and not intentionally sent?

Is SETI looking for “technology noise”, or do they think somebody out there is 
actually beaming signals to us or elsewhere which we might happen pickup??

The inverse of this question is how many stars are in the range to pickup 
our ‘noise’ and could they with the technology being used by SETI? 

Re: Could SETI detect technology noise ie tv signals etc

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