MadSci Network: Physics

Subject: Does time stop at the speed of light and does time go backwards at faster?

Date: Thu Mar 3 16:27:39 2005
Posted by Abijah
Grade level: 7-9 School: homeschool
City: Toledo State/Province: Ohio Country: US
Area of science: Physics
ID: 1109888859.Ph

I heard that time stops at the speed of light and that time goes backwards at 
the speed of light. I just think that this is very interesting, because people 
also say that it takes a few minutes for the sun's light to get to earth. How 
could this be if light travels instantly from one place to another? Also, in a 
national geographic magazine, I heard that scientists have made light travel 
faster than the speed of light using some vacum. Did the light beam travel 
back in time? This question has been bugging me for a long time. I would 
really appriciate your answer.
P.S. I got an anwser befor with this same question, and I looked up the search 
engines and I got anwswers, but I didn't understand the anwsers, so can you 
explain it a little more clearly for me? Some stuff with photons or whatever. 
Thank you!!!

Re: Does time stop at the speed of light and does time go backwards at faster?

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