MadSci Network: Neuroscience

Subject: How would a simotanius brain transference work?

Date: Wed May 11 18:37:13 2005
Posted by chris
Grade level: 10-12 School: No school entered.
City: No city entered. State/Province: No state entered. Country: USA
Area of science: Neuroscience
ID: 1115854633.Ns

Would this be able to switch one person's mind to another person's body:

1) Get two people (both living).

2) have them both put on headphones or any kind of wiring that leads to or 
connects to his or her entire brain.

3)connect both wirings directy to one another. (have two wires connected by 
plugs, and have the two wires leadig to outside the brains, and connect them 
outside the brains.)

4) induce a high voltage, very low amprage (under 5 milliamps), electrical jolt 
aimed at the area where the two connecting wires (the wires in no.3), meet.

5). the theory is that the situation above should switch both person's minds or 
brain waves into the other persons body, thus, they switch bodies.

If the above situation wouldn't do it, how would it be done? (Remember, what 
people thought couldn't be done was later done (as in the airplane or other 
great invention), so keep an open mind!)

Re: How would a simotanius brain transference work?

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