MadSci Network: General Biology

Subject: why do human sperm cells need to be stored at body temperature?

Date: Sun Aug 20 21:29:34 2006
Posted by brian
Grade level: nonaligned School: none
City: lakeland State/Province: fl Country: united states
Area of science: General Biology
ID: 1156134574.Gb

what are the explainations fro why human sperm cells would need to be stored at
a temperature slightly lower than body temperature? that's what the scrotum is
for, correct? - to keep the sperm away from the heat of the body (unless it's
too cold). it doesn't seem to make sense why we would evolve that way, i mean,
all the female parts evolved internally. just got to thinking about it today...


Re: why do human sperm cells need to be stored at body temperature?

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