MadSci Network: General Biology

Subject: What makes a given gas at a specific inspired partial pressure poisonous?

Date: Sat Oct 13 16:32:09 2007
Posted by Gabriel
Grade level: undergrad School: Millenium Library
City: Winnipeg State/Province: Manitoba Country: Canada
Area of science: General Biology
ID: 1192318329.Gb

What makes a give gas at a specific inspired partial pressure poisonous?
I know that is somewhat general, so I'll as that I am looking for breathable 
atmospheres. What makes a breathable atmosphere and what does not? not 
referring to pressure here directly, but what makes a gas mixture breathable, 
for example at higher pressures helium has to be mixed in, lower pressure more 
oxygen has to be present, but I don't mean pressure variations, I mean say at 
one atmosphere, what level of fluorine or chlorine (or both) or any other gases 
would be tolerable or toxic, etc. Including high habitable-temperature gases.

Re: What makes a given gas at a specific inspired partial pressure poisonous?

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