MadSci Network: Biochemistry

Subject: What would cause a 10% or 25% concentration of sucrose to diffuse into egg?

Date: Mon Mar 2 18:30:01 2009
Posted by Nelly
Grade level: undergrad School: Miracosta community college
City: Oceanside State/Province: CA Country: USA
Area of science: Biochemistry
ID: 1236043801.Bc

My Biology class did an experiment and we disinegrate the egg shell and 
continued to soak the different eggs in sucrose, glucose and water.We did 
concentrations of 0% 10% and 25% and soaked the egg in the solutions 
overnight. We studied 
the results and now need to analyze them. According to my professor our 
sucrose eggs should NOT have gained weight but should have lost weight (the 
water in egg should have 
diffused into the sucrose solution) But they all gained a SIGNIFICANT amount 
of weight- aka sucrose got through the membrane of the egg. Please explain 
some possible theories as to how this could happen... And why it happened. 
Thank you!!!

Re: What would cause a 10% or 25% concentration of sucrose to diffuse into egg?

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