MadSci Network: Earth Sciences

Re: How long ago were oil, gas and coal deposits formed?

Date: Wed Sep 30 15:16:59 2009
Posted By: Michael Richmond, Faculty, Physics, Rochester Institute of Technology
Area of science: Earth Sciences
ID: 1250612340.Es

Well, I can give you a few hints so that you can find out the details for yourself.

First, let's consider coal. Coal is a fossilized form of the element carbon. If you look at geology textbooks or websites, you'll find that there was a period in the Earth's history called the "Carboniferous", which is Latin for "Coal-bearing". The age of that period will tell you roughly how old many of the coal deposits are. That's not the ONLY time in the Earth's history when coal deposits were first created -- there are swampy areas on Earth now where plants are dying and falling into sediments -- but it will give you a general idea.

Next, let's consider gasoline and other petroleum chemicals. I can't tell you to look for a particular name in this case, so I'll give you some pointers to some educational web sites that should answer some of your questions, and give you directions to find more detailed information. Try visiting

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