MadSci Network: Zoology

Subject: Why do some crabs have hair on their claws? ie: Alaskan King & Kona

Date: Tue Dec 1 21:54:58 2009
Posted by Jodi
Grade level: 4-6 School: Devonshire Elementary
City: Des Plaines State/Province: IL Country: USA
Area of science: Zoology
ID: 1259729698.Zo

Why do some crabs, such as the Alaskan King and the Kona, have hair on their
claws?  The Alaskan King's hair is even in spikes!  So strange!  What is the
function of this hair and how does it grow?
Ms. Briggs
Elementary Teacher

Re: Why do some crabs have hair on their claws? ie: Alaskan King & Kona

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