MadSci Network: Immunology

Subject: Why are thymic hormones never mentioned in connection with T cell senescenc

Date: Wed Mar 10 14:08:27 2010
Posted by Allan
Grade level: grad (science) School: NA
City: New York State/Province: New York Country: USA
Area of science: Immunology
ID: 1268255307.Im

There are many scholarly articles written on the subject of T cell senescence 
in the elderly? Some of the more recent ones propose the use of transgenes for 
telomerase to enable the rejuvination of exhausted T cells. Cancer cells have 
lots of telomerase. Maby T cell exhaustion is evolution's way of protecting 
against the formation of neoplasms. How come I never read about (synthetic)
thymosin alpha one or other thymic hormones to help compensate for thymic 
involution (and create new naive T cells)? Is it because bonemarrow stem
cells in the elderly are already clonally expanded and would not make good raw 
material (as thymocytes)? When thyroid gland function declines, patients are 
routinely given synthetic thyroid hormones. Is there a parallel here, or am I 
missing something?

Re: Why are thymic hormones never mentioned in connection with T cell senescenc

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