MadSci Network: Chemistry

Subject: Why do rubber bands degrade?

Date: Tue Dec 21 12:38:21 2010
Posted by No name entered.
Grade level: grad (science) School: No school entered.
City: No city entered. State/Province: No state entered. Country: U.S.A.
Area of science: Chemistry
ID: 1292960301.Ch

Why do rubber bands degrade? Every time I fasten something with a rubber band,I 
find that in a couple of years, the rubber band turns brittle and breaks.I have 
looked on this site and read rubber bands are made out of latex. I wondered as 
to the cause of their break down. I don't think it is ultraviolet light since I 
have had them in drawers and places when they do this. I don't think it is 
solvent because I would know it if there was that much acetone or whatever in 
the air.I think it could be oxygen contact, but I don't know.I have seen an 
always touched rubber band get semi-sticky before degrading. It is on a remote 
television channel changer. I have quickly imagined four scenarios for its 
breakdown,each involving a different variable. The first variable is ultraviolet 
light.The second is latex solvent,probably acetone.The third is oxygen. The 
fourth, which would actually involve many variables, is contact with the various 
secretions of skin suggesting airborne sulfur or amine groups. I could design 
experiments to isolate,control and test these things, but it would be 
expensive,and I don't have the money.It would also be frustrating when they 
don't work.Is the information already out there? Please tell me why rubber bands 
degrade.Thank you.  

Re: Why do rubber bands degrade?

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