MadSci Network: Physics

Subject: Does a hollow rubber ball bounce higher than an air-filled rubber ball

Date: Thu Jun 7 01:21:39 2012
Posted by leow
Grade level: 10-12 School: No school entered.
City: No city entered. State/Province: No state entered. Country: No country entered.
Area of science: Physics
ID: 1339057299.Ph

Dear Sir,
Good day to you. 
I would like to know if a hollow rubber ball will bounce higher than an air-
filled similar size rubber ball if both are dropped at the same height onto a 
hard ground? 
Does hollow rubber ball really means a vacuum within the rubber envelope of the 
ball? I am wondering whether the hollow rubber ball which is lighter than the 
air-filled rubber ball will bounce higher as its impact with the ground will be 
reduced  and be converted to less heat energy, thus resulting in more energy 
being converted to higher gravitational potential energy, resulting the ball 
reaching a higher height. 

Also, I would like to know if a hollow rubber ball will bounce higher if it is
heated to a higher temperature?Since it is hollow which I presume there is a
vacuum within the rubber ball, will heat have any effect on the hollow rubber
ball at all as compared to an air-filled rubber ball which will bounce higher
when the air in the rubber ball is heated to a higher temperature?
I have already gone through the archives but I am not able to get any answer 
from there. Can you kindly explain the concept behind the concept of these 
Thank you very much and have a nice day.

Re: Does a hollow rubber ball bounce higher than an air-filled rubber ball

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