MadSci Network: Physics

Subject: Higgs Boson, Particles & mass

Date: Sat Apr 27 20:37:39 2013
Posted by Dale
Grade level: nonaligned School: No school entered.
City: No city entered. State/Province: No state entered. Country: U.S.A.
Area of science: Physics
ID: 1367120259.Ph

  Higgs Boson explains inertial mass, but not gravitational mass, yet they are
always measured to be the same.  Does the Higgs explain that?


  There are some things that I can only understand in terms of a simplistic
visual analogy, but I’ll give it a try.  As a hurricane can form given the right
conditions in the chaotic system of the weather, can an analogy be made between
the weather and another chaotic system of the zero-point field at a time nearer
the Big Bang when the zero-point field would have been far denser so that
vortices or even knots forming self sustaining regions, being particles with
mass, in the field could have formed?  Could this explain particles and mass
much more simply than the Higgs boson?

  Or if that doesn’t really explain the mass of the virtual zero-point
particles, what about just considering photons at that time near the Big Bang
when space had a great enough curvature to bend the paths of photons into
vortices or knots so that they could form self-sustaining regions.  Then the
equivalent mass would simply be ‘m = E/c^2’, ‘m’ being rest-mass, and ‘E’,
energy.  Would that work to explain rest mass?  This seems simpler than the
explanation of the Higgs which seems to involve an incredibly complicated
sequence of interactions.

Re: Higgs Boson, Particles & mass

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